If You’re Grumpy and You Know It…Read a Book!

Logan has been pretty grumpy lately. I’m not really sure why, and frankly I’m not even sure if he knows why most of the time, but I’ve been a little concerned about it for a while. I noticed the change about a month or two ago and started looking for solutions to the problem. We talked about it often and most of the time I got very little response out of him. I knew something was bothering him, but he couldn’t seem to vocalize what it was. Instead he would hit, kick, scream, and throw things. I was at a … Continue reading

Embrace Your Mistakes + Snow Globe Sugar Cookie Recipe

Many parents feel uncomfortable appearing less than perfect around their children.  Ironically, childhood experts maintain that moms and dads, who unabashedly show their children that making mistakes is part of life, give their kids a priceless gift and a leg up in the real world. Well, Hallelujah!  I’ve finally done something right in the eyes of so-called parenting experts. My kid sees me mess up all the time.  Okay, maybe not all.the.time.  Still, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes… and then some.  However, in making my litany of blunders, I’ve learned another important lesson.  By embracing your imperfections you … Continue reading

Save Me From Myself

Don’t bother looking for fun-sized 100 Grand bars. I’ve eaten them all. Every.Single.One.In.The.Entire.Universe. Ditto for those tiny Twix bars, little Snickers, and mini Kit Kats. By the way, how is it that Kit Kat bars can get so stale sitting in a hermetically sealed wrapper? Not that it matters now. Stale or not, they’re gone. And by gone, I don’t mean you’ll find them in the trash barrels sitting at the end of our driveway. Rather, you’ll likely locate bits and pieces of chocolate, caramel, and cookie crunch clogging my arteries, enlarging my hips and padding my bottom. In a … Continue reading

Can You Really Afford Cable?

Forget about alcohol, tobacco, Facebook or chocolate; cable TV is one of the most addicting entities around. Just ask the kids who spend hours upon hours watching it. Then, ask the parents who use it as a babysitter. These days it doesn’t take much to get moms and dads to admit that they’ve used cable to keep their kids occupied. Got an important phone call to make, turn on Nick Jr. Want to use the bathroom in peace, switch it to Cartoon Network. Desperate for a few minutes of uninterrupted me time, Disney Channel to the rescue. Cable is undoubtedly … Continue reading

Celebrating Little Moments Of Joy

The days in the life of a parent of a toddler can be quite chaotic, and full of ups and downs. Today was a particularly challenging day for me, as was yesterday. Still, despite my feelings about how the past couple of days have gone, I can truthfully say that there have been some wonderful moments woven in among the not so wonderful ones. Sometimes when I feel like things are not going well and like I am failing miserably at being the kind of mom that I want to be, I take comfort in the good moments regardless of … Continue reading

Blogging From the Personal Side of Parenting

The internet has a wealth of information about a vast variety of special needs. It is fairly easy to look up medical information or news articles regarding a special need. Sometimes, it can be comforting to read a blog written by a parent about the personal side of parenting a child who has a special need. Here are a few interesting ones to explore. Parents can get online and quickly look up symptoms, recommended diets, help with IEPs, and news about health insurance coverage for their child’s special needs. What about if all you want is some conformation that your … Continue reading

Do You Dare to Compare?

Have you seen this tooth-achingly sweet note a 10-year-old boy penned to his hard working mom and attached to an even sweeter homemade gift? The photo has gone crazy viral since the boy’s sibling innocently posted it on Reddit. The youngster’s touching note reads: “Dear Mom, This is for you, I understand how hard you work, and I know you love strawberry milk, so I made this for you. :)” Sniff. Sniff. Right? I mean, c’mon moms, admit it; that tear in your eye, the tingle in your gut, your melted heart-—pure jealously. Okay, maybe, not 100% pure, but pretty … Continue reading

The Farmer’s Market Part III

When I arrived home from my farmer’s market excursion, my son was crying and relieved to see me. I picked him up and he hugged me tightly. Then I asked him why he was so sad because I had never seen him get so upset when he stayed home with daddy. He told me that he was worried about me when I was at the “market,” as he calls it. Throughout the rest of the day he told me over and over again that he was worried about me when I was gone at the “market.” I vowed to take … Continue reading

Do You Allow Your Kids to Watch TV News?

After reporting and anchoring local TV news for more than decade, I never considered tuning out the events of the day after giving birth. I’ve watched the evening news religiously since I was in high school and never dreamed there would come a day when I would be forced to wean myself from my 6 o’clock fix. However, that day has come. A few weeks ago, I was in the kitchen making dinner with the TV news on in the background when my 7-year-old came waltzing in. Typically, she’ll sit on a stool at the counter and try to snag … Continue reading

Something To Look Forward To

Being a mom isn’t easy, doing it alone is even harder. With the countless things we have to do each day, it’s a wonder any of us have survived as long as we have. Just as one thing is completed another thing is added to the list and the cycle continues on and on and on. You rarely get a break and when you do you spend it feeling guilty for all of the other things you should be doing while you are taking these few moments to breathe. As mothers we’ve all been there from time to time; some … Continue reading