Is Your Sofa Safe?

I often worry about the chemicals I use in my house.  I worry about what exactly is in the air freshener I use.  I freak out when my husband buys a Teflon skillet. But, I just read that another real threat in my house may be my sofa. My sofa?  A threat?  Yes. Since 1975, California has required that all furniture with foam such as sofas and baby products such as car seats be treated with flame retardant chemicals.  That standard, maybe because California is so large a state, became the standard for most other states. The problem is while … Continue reading

Can You Get By With Less Financial Support?

What would you do if you got a letter from your state government that asked if you would willingly accept a reduction in the financial support for your child? This is exactly what happened to parents who had adopted children with special needs in Vancouver, Washington. Adoption does not happen instantaneously. It is a long process, and it requires a lot of strength and patience. Prospective parents will need to show that they are ready to be a good parent, both emotionally and financially. Parents who choose to adopt a child who has special needs must be ready for the … Continue reading

Who is Your Model Mom?

My model mom has eight legs, five biological children, three adoptive ones, two dewy eyes and a gigantic heart of gold. In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m turning the spotlight on motivational moms who have made an impact on my parenting techniques. While there are many exceptional women out there raising kids in ways that warm the heart and stir the soul, this post highlights a unique mother I’ve admired since my daughter was a toddler. She embodies the fortitude of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the diplomacy of a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and the flexibility of a Cirque … Continue reading

Cleaning Up After Your Pet

I just adopted a new dog. She is a mix of a bit of everything, about 50 pounds and the sweetest thing ever. I already have a dog, a shih tzu, so I wasn’t completely unprepared but the dogs are so different that I’ve had to make some adjustments. First, that pile of shoes by the door? It’s gotta go, she doesn’t chew shoes, so far but she will gnaw on any socks that are left out. My shih tzu doesn’t shed, she has hair instead of fur so she has to be groomed regularly, usually this means a trip … Continue reading

Nope We Are Adopted

We had a cable company rep come by the house tonight asking for me to switch to their service. The reason I mention it is that she made a comment about how much my oldest son and my daughter look like me. My kids busted out laughing and said how they are adopted. The look on the ladies face was like this was some kind of joke. Like this was an old family trick that we play on everyone and she is just the newest victim. The kids tried to assure her they were all adopted but I still am … Continue reading

Because You Are My Mom

When I decided to continue the conversation with my daughter about why I kissed her when I met her I turned it back on her. I asked her why she kisses me, shares her drinks with me etc. She said well that is because she loves me I asked her why she loves me and her answer was short and simple “because you’re my mom”. That was the best answer I had ever heard. I never really thought too much about what not sharing my things with the kids. I mean as soon as I met them I started sharing … Continue reading

Preparing Your Pup for Back to School

For most of us, the last thing on our minds during the busy back to school season is the family dog. As it turns out, Fido might need you to prepare him or her for the change as well. Unless everyone was out of the home all day during the summer, just like during the school year, your dog’s gotten extra summertime company. Thus it might experience some separation anxiety when everyone goes back to their school year schedules. Pet site ZooToo has some tips for how to gage if your dog will have separation anxiety problems during the school … Continue reading

A Few More Genealogy Words You Don’t Know

It can be interesting to find out the meanings of obscure, rarely used, genealogy terms, words, and phrases. If you are someone who likes to play with language, or who loves doing crossword puzzles, then you probably find it fun to learn new words. I thought that every genealogy dictionary would hold pretty much the same words. To my surprise, this assumption is not true at all! So far I have wandered through the Genealogy Glossary on the Family Tree Magazine website, the ROOTS Genealogical Dictionary, and the Glossary of Terminology at Genealogy Quest. This time, I decided to see … Continue reading

Find Your Doggelganger

Is there any resemblance? My husband and I were matched with our dog. The shelter we used to find her required us to fill out a complicated adoption form. In it were not only questions about our living situation (own vs. rent, fenced-in yard, etc.) but also queries pertaining to what we wanted from a dog. Did we have any breed preferences, did we care if we had a male vs. female dog, and were there any deal-breakers in behavior from the dog? Even though I didn’t have much to say on any of these questions, the rescue still managed … Continue reading

What Kind of Child Would you Like?

So you finished the major part of the adoption application, now on to the hard questions. There is a section in the application asking what type of child you are looking for. I know this sounds like this would be an easy section but honestly it is definitely one of the hardest. The questions range from what age you are looking for, to will you accept a child with disabilities. You and your spouse should put aside some time and start thinking, praying and discussing what you are wanting. Some of the questions you should think about: Do you want … Continue reading