What Does the Hague Convention Agreement Actually Say?

Adoption periodicals and websites often refer to the “Hague Convention”, to “Hague requirements” and to countries being “Hague” or “non-Hague”. What does that mean? I gave a brief overview and shared some potential concerns. But what exactly does the Hague Convention say? “Hague” refers to the international courts at the Hague in Holland. The adoption agreement referred to is formally titled “Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect to Intercountry Adoption”. The introduction states that “the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere … Continue reading

Concerns with the Hague Convention Requirements

My last blog was an overview of the Hague Convention on International Adoption, a treaty which the U.S. put into effect two years ago and which is still being implemented in many countries, although some countries have chosen to continue adoption as usual without joining the Convention. This blog will raise some possible concerns with adoption procedures according to the Hague Convention. Hague-related concerns center not so much on countries that did not adopt the treaty, but with countries which have signed the treaty, but do not have the resources to implement all of its provisions by the effective date. … Continue reading

What Is the Hague Convention? -–An Overview

This past spring marks two years since the Hague Convention on International Adoption took effect in the U.S. This treaty actually was written in 1993, but had to be ratified by various signatory nations, some of which had different dates set for their country to come into compliance with the treaty. Two years ago, the internet was buzzing with fears that small adoption agencies , perhaps small faith-based programs or programs that specialized in a certain, relatively unusual sending country, such as Poland, would not be able to meet its provisions and would stop operating, thus putting children in areas … Continue reading

Femen Opens International Training Camp in Paris

What is Femen? It’s a feminist protest group which originated in Kiev, Ukraine. It began in 2008, was founded by Anna Hutsol, and consists mainly of female university students between the ages of 18 and 20, although there are a few men in the organization. The group original goals were to “develop leadership, intellectual and moral qualities” for Ukraine women. Among the things it’s protested in the past is the sex industry and prostitution, religions that discriminate against women, and anti-abortion legislation. Some might call it a radical group because many of its protests are done topless. Of the members, … Continue reading