How School Dress Codes Can Harm Your Daughter’s Education

Does the school your children attend have a dress code? Many of them do. Some schools opt for a specific, very limited, dress code. Others are a little less stringent. While a dress code might annoy your son, school dress codes can harm your daughter’s education. Here are some things for parents to watch out for. Ideally, a school dress code is designed to equalize students. Everyone has to wear the same type of uniform, with limited variations. (Typical variations include skirts for girls and pants for boys). Schools might choose to only allow clothing of specific colors. The goal … Continue reading

Reasons Parents Should talk to Their Teens About Pregnancy

It might be uncomfortable, but it is important that parents talk with their teens about pregnancy. Having that discussion, in a non-judgmental way, can inspire a teen to really open up and ask the questions that are on their mind. It can also help build trust between you and your teen. That’s important if you want them to come to you for answers about pregnancy in the future. Make sure you speak with your daughters and your sons. The teen pregnancy rate in the United States is high. The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among countries that … Continue reading

What to Know about the Glow

Glow sticks are extremely popular this time of year.  You can find kids sporting them at summer fireworks shows, evening baseball games, backyard barbeques and during bike rides at dusk.  My 8-year-old loves to bend them into bracelets, necklaces and headbands and wear them while we stroll along the beach after sunset. While I’m game for the glow, other parents are not as thrilled to see their kids playing with the popular, yet potentially poisonous neon sticks.  Many moms and dads question the contents of glow sticks.  After all, if the liquid inside the sticks can make plastic light up like … Continue reading

Yoga and My Daughter

A couple of months ago I added yoga to my weekly workout routine in an effort to ease the strain from my typical high intensity cardio workouts and to help my husband strengthen his core since he refused to do anything but yoga.  Aside from the obvious struggles of exercise i.e. motivation, commitment, follow through, balance, endurance etc., there is the added difficulty of exercising with young children who basically demand mommy’s attention twenty four seven.  My three year old son has gotten really good about playing and getting a snack or drink of water for himself while I exercise … Continue reading

Shoes for My Daughter Part III

I knew that I needed to find a way to help my daughter get used to wearing shoes. So I did what any mother would do, I put them on her while she was in her carseat or riding in the stroller. This helped her get used to the feel of them on her feet without giving her the opportunity to tear them off of her feet.  It was especially helpful when she fell asleep in her carseat because she was was unknowingly getting used to the feel of a shoe.  It took a little while for her to be … Continue reading

Twelve Months Post Partum: An Exercising Journey Part VII

Since I had been trying on my pre pregnancy jeans quite regularly after my the birth of my daughter only to find them too tight over and over again, it was a very pleasant surprise to find that my jeans were actually too big! However, I have noticed some size discrepancy between jeans I have owned for several years and the new sizes at the boutiques.  I confirmed my suspicion by going to my favorite clothing boutique and trying on the same skinny jean in the next size down: they fit perfectly!  Needless to say, pushing my workout routine into … Continue reading

Twelve Months Post Partum: An Exercising Journey Part IV

I continued my workout variation exercising any where from thirty minutes to sixty minutes a day four to seven days a week.  I cut back on my baking and baked goods eating which of course made a huge difference in my body’s fat burning abilities.  I increased my protein consumption and never ate past nine in the evening.  Somehow I managed to find the motivation to commit to exercising a minimum six days a week again. I forced myself to exercise even if I procrastinated until ten at night.  I was going to get those last very stubborn five pounds … Continue reading

Does Your Kid Fake Bake?

Hi.  My name is Michele and I am a tanaholic. I’ve suffered with tanorexia for decades, thanks in large part to being born and raised in Hawaii. Thirty plus years and countless sunburns later I can only hope that my daughter doesn’t end up suffering from the same condition. Living in northern Wisconsin she has a good chance of escaping the same fate as her mother.  Then again, she could end up just like me if she gets hooked on reality television beauty shows. According to a new study, college students who watch reality beauty shows are at least twice … Continue reading

Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution

Happy New Year! You know it’s going to be quite a year when you wake up on January 1st to your 8-year-old whispering in your ear:  “Mommy, what’s your New Year’s revolution?” I wish I could’ve come up with some incredible intention that would result in earth-shattering changes, but alas, I doubt vowing to lose 15 pounds is going to do much to bring about world peace or alleviate the financial crisis. Still, the start of the New Year is an excellent time to discuss the meaning of resolutions with your children. It’s even better when they initiate the conversation. … Continue reading

A Much Needed Family Outing

Family outings are few and far between in my family.  Even though we try to do things together as a family more often, it always seems like there is something more important and dire that needs to be done instead.  As our small family struggles to find the balance between job work, dissertation  work, house work, and play, we are often too exhausted to make our much needed family outings happen.  However, the opportunity for a family outing arose rather spontaneously and we jumped at the chance to get out of the house and do something fun with our children. … Continue reading