The Violence to Young Children Continues

It’s getting so bad that I do not want to read the latest news. A mother left her two year old girl and an almost one year old boy with her boyfriend. He had agreed to bring them to meet her in the store parking lot where she was employed when she got off work. When they picked her up, the mother apparently realized that the little girl was seriously injured. They took her to a local hospital. The hospital immediately “life flighted” her to a trauma center where she died that evening. The cause of death was a brain … Continue reading

Family Violence. An Australian Aboriginal Perspective.

Violence has become entrenched into our societies. Many individuals hold non-violence as a personal value and strive to end it. Despite laws that protect against assault, domestic and family violence (including incest, rape and sexual assault) continues to be a shameful mark on our progressive and contemporary ways of life. Reasons to explain domestic violence have long been pondered over and everyday community members question why women would stay in such dreadful situations. History and culture may go a long way to explain entrenched violence but too often, we each react from our own view of the world, rather than … Continue reading

Talking About Tough Issues: Child Abuse

The key message here is that birthparents probably love their children, but some have reasons why they just cannot keep a child safe. For preschoolers: “Your birthparents probably loved you, but they couldn’t keep you safe. All children need parents who can keep them safe, so that’s why you came to grow up with us.” Talking About physical abuse: For early elementary-age children, or a child who remembers being abused: “Do you ever feel angry with your friends or with Mommy and Daddy (siblings, etc.)…sometimes you yell and hit even though you love us. But you are learning not to … Continue reading

Teachers Mandated to Report Abuse

Teachers are required to report any cases or suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. There are many fine lines when reporting a case such as this. Teachers question what should be reported and how should it be reported. What is the difference between abuse and neglect? In this article, I hope to clarify some answers for you. Child abuse causes physical harm to the child. Child abuse can be cruel punishment or unjustified punishment. Abuse also includes any sexual acts against a child. Neglect is negligence of the responsible person to care for the child. The negligence may be … Continue reading

Babies Produced by the Drug Culture

At the close of a recent blog about child abuse, I was asked an interesting question. Why do women, who do not want to take care of their children, keep having them? I am by no means an expert on a question like this, but I can make some comments based upon what I have seen and heard. The birth mother of our five adopted children had seven children in ten years. I have not seen her in some time so she may have had more. All of the children that I know of have been taken away from her … Continue reading