The Shock of Adoption Secrets

We had heard about it happening in other families but were shocked to learn of it in our own. How could this happen? How did it get covered up for so long? There are so many questions that may never be answered… As we pulled up to my mother-in-law’s home for a harvest time/Halloween party, we noticed my husband’s step-mother parked in the driveway. It was our assumption at the time she might have wanted to meet her youngest grandson for the first time. We gathered the children and brought them into the house. Directing the kids to the play … Continue reading

My Savior Knows Adoption

I’ve surrounded my boys with other adopted children in hopes they will never feel alone. I stay active in a local adoption support group, involved in online adoption forums and read books on adoption. As much as I try to learn about what it’s like to be an adoptee with a different genetic makeup from my parents, I will never fully know. I’ve tried to relate to my boys’ adoption by looking to what the Bible says about me as a child of God. As a Bible believing Christian I have been adopted into God’s kingdom through Jesus Christ. In … Continue reading

Addressing Other Adoptive Mothers’ Insecurities

Though there are stories of children who leave their adoptive family to reunite with birth family, it’s important for people to know these cases truly are on the rare end and often result from negative experiences in their adoptive homes. I’d like to take a moment to share some things I’ve observed in the last several years with adoptive mothers especially, who have reacted as a result of their own fears in regard to adoption. It grieves me to no end when I hear of adoptive parents withholding necessary information from their child, or sheltering them due to their own … Continue reading