Finally Crawling!

My little guy is almost 11 months old, and he just learned how to crawl this week. I actually didn’t think he would do it at all. He had become so efficient at his little army crawl that people frequently commented on how fast he was! Since we have all hardwood floors, scooting on his belly was a very efficient way to get around. He mastered the art by pushing off with one foot, while pulling himself in true army crawling fashion with one of his arms. I always looked at him though as he did this and thought about … Continue reading

Last Minute Summer Fun the Frugal Way

It seemed as though we woke up one day and realized that summer vacation was almost over. My husband finally got some time off, so we planned some vacation time. Of course, we tried to do it as frugally as we could. Here are some of the ways that we saved. We chose local attractions, within two hours drive. This way, we wouldn’t have to spend money on accommodations, which can be a significant cost when you a family of five. Most hotels will not accommodate families of more than four in a regular hotel room, which means you either … Continue reading

Homemade Laundry Soap Revisited

As you may have noticed, I’m always looking to save money. Although I want a clean home and clean laundry, I don’t want to have to pay a fortune for the products to get it that way. I’ve tried just about everything, and now I’m trying the rest of the things. Laundry products are a big issue for me. First of all they come in huge plastic jugs. Yes, the plastic is recyclable but it’s even better to not bring it home. Then once you open that huge jug you are basically washing your clothes in a mix of chemicals. … Continue reading

Our First Visit with Santa Claus

My son has been begging me to take him to see Santa all week. We didn’t quite make it to the North Pole like he wanted, but luckily Santa was visiting the mall down the street today, so I finally decided to take him. We waited for almost an hour, I guess that’s what I get for waiting until Christmas Eve to take him. As we were sitting there in line, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad. This was Logan’s first visit with Santa Claus and his dad wasn’t there to see it. I did order extra pictures … Continue reading

Our Twelve Prenatal Visit

An entire week has come and gone once again. With each weekly visit, the birth of our daughter draws nearer and nearer. Not a lot has changed since my last prenatal visit so it is really just a matter of making sure that I am staying on track. The biggest difference this week is that a nasty cold virus has finally gotten the better of me after keeping the viruses at bay for what seems like months. Thus going into this prenatal visit, I feel kind of gross; just stuffy and congested. I had e-mailed my midwife early this week … Continue reading

Our Eighth Prenatal Visit

Three weeks have come and gone once again. This is our last appointment with a three week interval. From now onward we will meet with our midwife in two weeks and then every week until the baby is born. This particular day is a busy one for us so we awoke earlier than normal. After a quick breakfast of Greek yogurt, I exercised right away while our son slept and my husband worked on his dissertation. I wanted to get my workout done before the appointment because I wanted to avoid not being able to squeeze it in after the … Continue reading

Our Seventh Prenatal Visit

The morning of our seventh prenatal visit has arrived far more quickly than I had anticipated. With my recent return home from an extended visit to my sister’s (ten hours away), I feel a bit disorganized and ill prepared for today’s appointment. Sleeping in certainly did not help my feelings of unpreparedness, as I rushed around preparing breakfast and getting things together for our visit (while my husband took a business call which threatened his ability to come to the appointment at all). In the end my husband inhaled his cold omelet and threw on some shoes just as our … Continue reading

Prenatal Visit at Sixteen Weeks

Prenatal visits are a generally accepted practice during pregnancy and rightfully so. Prenatal visits (especially with a midwife) are a great way to correct and/or affirm nutrition, exercise, and overall progress. The frequency of prenatal visits varies depending on the health care provider and the risk involved with each particular woman and her pregnancy. Prenatal visits are a rather joyful event. My midwife (she is absolutely fabulous) schedules prenatal visits every three weeks until the last two months of pregnancy. Our most recent prenatal visit occurred at sixteen weeks. Many things happened during this prenatal visit. First we went over … Continue reading

We Finally Have Life Insurance!

My husband and I have been going through the stages and steps that are required in order to get approved for a life insurance policy. Today, we learned that each of us, individually, was, in fact, approved. It has been a long time since the whole process started. It is finally over, and we can feel a little more secure now that we both have the life insurance policies we have been trying for months to get. How did we manage that? I will explain the process. We started this process back in September. My husband and I went to … Continue reading

Visitors = No Naps?

Does your baby’s nap schedule change when you have visitors? I’m not talking about the inevitable excitement that your baby experiences when new faces are in the house. A baby is bound to be a little more wound up and restless than normal when new people are around. I’m talking about purposely changing a baby’s nap routine so that the baby is awake as much as possible when the guests are over. When our baby was little, she slept just as well, if not better, in someone’s arms as she did in her crib. Having visitors over made almost no … Continue reading