Little Eyes Are Fast Asleep

It seems the only “me time” I get these days is when Logan is fast asleep, even then it’s a little touch and go. This is often when I am up working on all of the things that I couldn’t manage to get done with a 4 year old that day, but it is also a time that I can relax, even if only for a few moments. We’ve been out of school for a few weeks now. For some reason I thought this would mean I would have more time to get things done. Somehow our days were just … Continue reading

Protecting Your Eyes

One of my favorite journalists – heck, who am I kidding? – my favorite journalist, Anderson Cooper, suffered temporary blindness this past week. Did he have some genetic condition that caused this blindness?  Did he splash something in his eye?  No, Cooper sunburned his eyes while in Portugal. Sunburned his eyes?  Just the mere thought of that makes my eyes squint in horror! Awakened by pain, Cooper originally dismissed it as sand in his eyes.  But, he realized when he was blind that it was something more serious.  Cooper lost his eyesight for 36 hours. That must have been pretty … Continue reading

Tis the Season of Getting

I am going to just throw this out there;  I don’t see anything wrong with buying your children a lot of gifts.  Christmas may not be about gifts but we all know gifts help make the season bright.  If we didn’t believe that we wouldn’t give to Toys for Tots, Operation Homefront, or go into an insane amount of debt every year.  Like it or not, gifts are here to stay and I do not feel that is negative.  Who doesn’t like to unwrap a gift?  Who doesn’t like to see their children’s eyes light up when they open that … Continue reading

Blogging From the Personal Side of Parenting

The internet has a wealth of information about a vast variety of special needs. It is fairly easy to look up medical information or news articles regarding a special need. Sometimes, it can be comforting to read a blog written by a parent about the personal side of parenting a child who has a special need. Here are a few interesting ones to explore. Parents can get online and quickly look up symptoms, recommended diets, help with IEPs, and news about health insurance coverage for their child’s special needs. What about if all you want is some conformation that your … Continue reading

Through Other’s Eyes

I recently received a life changing compliment from a dear friend of mine. The last month has been a difficult one for me. I haven’t felt particularly good about anything in my life and as usual have been a little hard on myself as of late. For no reason at all this sweet friend of mine came up to me after class and said, “Sarah, I know this is kind of out of the blue, but I just wanted you to know that you are everything that I aspire to be.” It was all I could do to keep the … Continue reading

Savor the Season

Fall is officially here… and so are my allergies. Still, I don’t think designing layouts featuring photos of my puffy eyes, runny nose, and used Kleenex is appropriate for an autumn-themed scrapbook. Fall is one of the most gorgeous seasons of the year with its spectacularly colored leaves, fresh apples and blaze orange pumpkins. There are so many ways you can savor the natural treasures featured during this wonderful time of year in a mini or traditional sized scrapbook. Consider drying apple slices and spraying them with varnish to decorate your album cover. Or, take a stroll through a local … Continue reading

What Lessons Did I Teach

What has divorce taught our children about love? I worry about what my divorce has taught Hailey about love and marriage. Unfortunately, most of the people she knows have been divorced, at least once. What does this teach our kids? When I was growing up all of my friends parents were married, my grandparents, aunts and uncles, were all married, to their original spouses. The only divorced person I knew was my mother. It’s the opposite for Hailey, she knows hardly anyone with an intact family. There are a few here and there but it seems they are the exception … Continue reading

Little Eyes Are Watching

When I was little, the television in our home was often on. My parents were very good about ensuring that it was not the focus of my attention for much of the day, and I spent plenty of time playing outdoors, reading, and doing other things that kids do. What I do remember is that the television in the kitchen was generally on at breakfast and at dinner, because my parents like to watch the news. I don’t really watch the news any more. It’s not that I don’t care about what is going on in the world, because I … Continue reading

My High School Graduate

I am now officially the mother of a high school graduate. It is hard to describe that feeling of watching your son walk across the stage to accept their diploma. A chapter in his life has closed and a new one begins. The past few days I have been doing a lot of reminiscing in my mind. I can still clearly remember the day we brought him home from the hospital. My husband and I couldn’t get enough of him. We took hundreds of pictures and videos. Try to explain to your third child why there are so few of … Continue reading

Preventing Poisoning

One thing I’ve gotten kind of lazy about now that Hailey is no longer a toddler, is putting things safely out of reach. I was really good about it when she was small but this weekend when I had people over for a barbeque I found out how unsafe my home is for little ones. First of all, none of the cabinets in my house have child locks on them. There are cleaning products under the kitchen sink, hair products under the bathroom sink and a bin in the linen closet with medicines in it. It seems that every day … Continue reading