Adoption Blog Month in Review: August 2007

A major theme for this month in the adoption blog was discussions—especially discussions with your child, but also discussions with others. I began the month sharing my four-year-old daughter Regina’s questions about her droopy eyelid in Talking With Kids About Special Needs, and in Principles for Talking with Kids About Special Needs I discuss how I tried to use the same tenets for talking about her eye that I use when talking about adoption issues. Regina also figures prominently in the next blogs. She told me, “I Don’t Like My Skin”. I stumbled through a response, shared in I Don’t … Continue reading

Mixed Media Messages about Adoption Issues

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had this creeping feeling of uneasiness in the middle of a children’s book or movie, even if it is not supposed to be about adoption issues, because so many movies do have themes related to adoption. Movies and books that are actually about adoption I can prepare for. The others take me by surprise. It is amazing how many books and films deal with losing a parent, probably because that idea touches something deep in practically everyone. I want to stay alert to loss and grief issues in little children’s movies like … Continue reading

What Really Happens When Adopted Kids Grow Up?

It’s a fear that creeps into most parents’ minds occasionally, and perhaps a bit more often for adoptive parents: “What if my kid turns out to be a totally messed-up adult?” It’s awfully hard to imagine a sweet-faced, affectionate five-year-old as an out-of-control teen or an embittered and estranged young adult. Yet, sometimes we meet caring parents whose teens have fallen into drug abuse, or sweet elderly neighbors whose children never visit, or a couple celebrating their 60th anniversary whose children have each been divorced three times. Thus we have two opposing voices in our heads. Usually the one that … Continue reading