Mediation Day Part 1

Leading up to the mediation with Rebecca’s birth mother we sat down and gave a lot of thought to what we were willing and not willing to do. The CPS case worker talked to us and explained the whole procedure to us and gave us suggestions on what the biological mother may request and what we should and should not consider. Given the fact that she had lost her rights to George and Steve we had a feeling she was going to want them tied into this mediation agreement somehow. Legally she has no right to ask for anything to … Continue reading

Adoption Day #2

I have detailed in a number of blogs what turned out to be a fight for Isaiah. He came to our house on a “foster to adopt” basis because we already had adopted his four older maternal brothers. His birth mother had been encouraged by a movie (Losing Isaiah) to fight for his custody. She finally decided, during court ordered mediation, to sign a relinquishment of her parental rights. We agreed to send her, through an intermediary to protect our identity, pictures and a narrative of all five boys every six months. We had a “goodbye visit” with her and … Continue reading

Starting Your Own Personal Bible Study: Part 4

Read Part 1 Read Part 2 Read Part 3 So you have figured out what type of Bible study you want to do, where to start, and even how to study, but how much should you study? The amount of time I spend on my personal Bible study varies from day to day. If I am doing a type of study where I have determined that I am reading a certain number of chapters, then my study lasts as long as it takes to get through the material, usually no more than fifteen minutes. If I want to do a … Continue reading

Medical Information Needed

When you have adopted children there are certain things you do not know such as the biological medical history. This is especially true when you adopt a child from child protective services like we did. We have been asking the biological mother for birth family history since we first met her during the medication of Rebecca. As I have mentioned in the past the biological mother voided the mediation agreement when she disappeared and our letters kept getting returned. I tracked the biological mother down a few times already and asked her for the information but she has repeatedly failed … Continue reading

Quality Time with Your Spouse

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about the importance of getting away with your spouse. We were about to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary and despite original plans to take this romantic vacation to Maine, it had all blown up because of finances. But in the end I was grateful since it was during the time of the hurricane that we would have been there. The day before our 20th wedding anniversary we went back and forth with ideas on what we could do. We wanted to get away for the entire day but not spend a lot of … Continue reading

Time 4 Learning

Online learning is becoming an increasingly more popular choice for many homeschool families. Some use it to supplement while others use it as the core of their curriculum. There are so many sites offering this type of learning that it can become difficult to figure out which one fits your family. Drawn by convenience and the appeal to students, parents are using today’s technology as an educational tool. One such program on the internet which provides quality education is Time 4 Learning. From the website: “Time4Learning is a student-paced online educational system covering preschool through middle school. It is popular … Continue reading

Striking Out on Their Own: Creating a Space for Independent Preschool Play

Do you feel safe letting your children play outdoors? For many parents, the answer is “no.” Many of us grew up playing freely in the country, the suburbs, and even urban areas. Yes, there were dangers, but overall, my parents let me play outside. My mom was a super worrier, yet by the age of eight or nine I was allowed to roam freely within a radius of four or five blocks, riding my bike through the neighborhood, climbing trees, and exploring the fruit trees at the old, burned-out farmhouse a couple of blocks away. I remember biking through the … Continue reading

More on Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

In our last article on this topic, we looked at the reasons why ECT is used rather than conventional antidepressant medications only. Principally utilized as a last port of call when other medication and modalities have repeatedly failed, ECT is still mired in controversy. While it is and has been a definite lifesaver for many sufferers of deep depression, the technique does not enjoy a high popularity rating. One of the principal reasons for this is that, despite the length of time the method has been in use, coupled with numerous refinelments in techniques, there are several serious side effects. … Continue reading

The Comprehensive Phonics Handbook by Eagle’s Wings

As the mom of five young children, I am often on the hunt for resources that will get used time and time again. I need resources that are flexible enough to meet the needs of all five kids–from my gifted child to my very hands-on learner who needs lots and lots of practice. This book definitely fits the bill and is a huge asset to any homeschooling mom who is teaching phonics and reading. How It’s Laid Out The book is organized into various charts that coincide with a particular sound and spelling rule. Most charts have exceptions called “every … Continue reading

Insurance Terms: M

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J-K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V | W-Z Managed Care is a comprehensive health care arrangement between an employer and/or an insurance company. Selected medical and health providers agree to offer care for a discounted rate to the membership of the plan. Managed care systems use the established medical protocols and procedures generally agreed by the medical community as cost effective. Marine Insurance is insurance coverage on goods while … Continue reading