Adopting as a Single Parent: The Homestudy

Most adoptive parents are nervous about the “homestudy”, single parents perhaps more than most. The term “homestudy” refers both to the process of pre-adoption meetings with a social worker and the report the social worker prepared based on those meetings, and on letters of reference and evidence of financial stability. The homestudy includes a visit to the house, but contrary to reputation it is not about primarily about the house. It is not about wealth, neatness, or organization. You do not even have to own your home. The only requirement is that the home has space for another child. Our … Continue reading

Anatomy of a Homestudy

An adoption process usually begins with a homestudy. This does not mean, however, that social workers will drop in unannounced and give your home the white glove test. The social worker is required to visit your home at some point to verify its basic safety. He or she will usually want to see the room where it is planned the child will sleep, but you will not be expected to have it prepared yet. A homestudy includes interviews with both parents (if applicable), both separately and together. A centerpiece of a homestudy is the adoptive parents’ “autobiography”. This is each … Continue reading

Preparing for Your Home Study

Don’t panic! Though there are many things to do, there is no reason to become overly stressed about your home study. First, emotionally prepare yourself that home studies can take quite some time to complete. Keep in mind, if there are other adults living in your home, they too will likely have to complete parts of the home study process in order for your family to be approved. There are typically many steps to a home study, some of which may in include (in no particular order): Completed applications for adoption: In addition to being asked for basic information about … Continue reading