Friday Funnies: A Couple of Laughs on Parenting

Another week has yet come to an end, and a nice weekend is upon us. Now that school is back in session for a few of our kids, I look forward to the weekend. I miss them during the week, putting them on the bus always makes me a bit sad. I love having them around. So the weekend is a great time for us. We spend a lot of time together as a family, and I always feel better by weekends end. This weekend is our tax free weekend, so I think we will be doing some shopping together. … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: Top Ten Things That Annoy Adoptee’s

Adoption is such a serious subject most of the time. And typically anything going on in a search or reunion is not a laughing matter. But sometimes it helps to step back and just laugh at all we go through. I am well-known on my other blogs as always hosting a Friday funny. Obviously I’d like to keep the trend up over here on the adoption blog too. Some things that I post are original and are things that I wrote myself, but most of the items were collected by me during my search. I’ve held onto all of these … Continue reading