Friday Funny: the Befuddled Santa

Our scrapbooking blogger Nicole had a series she called the Friday Funnies . In that spirit I offer this humorous holiday incident, wondering whether other adopted kids have had the same experience. My five-year-old and I were at a smaller shopping mall in our neighborhood. Santa wasn’t busy at the time. He saw my daughter looking at him and came closer to the picket fence of the space defined for photo-taking. “Nee How! Nee How!” he said leaning toward Regina. He waved vigorously. “Nee how!” I was wondering what was in Santa’s eggnog that day when I remembered that Ni … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: A Couple of Laughs on Parenting

Another week has yet come to an end, and a nice weekend is upon us. Now that school is back in session for a few of our kids, I look forward to the weekend. I miss them during the week, putting them on the bus always makes me a bit sad. I love having them around. So the weekend is a great time for us. We spend a lot of time together as a family, and I always feel better by weekends end. This weekend is our tax free weekend, so I think we will be doing some shopping together. … Continue reading