Coca-Cola Offers Paid Leave for All Parents

The United States is one of only two countries in the world that does not guarantee paid maternity leave. Fortunately, some companies are stepping in and providing what the federal government has not. Coca-Cola will offer paid leave for all parents. The United States does not provide paid family leave to its workers. There is a U.S. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that applies to employers with 50 or more employees. FMLA offers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period to care for a newborn, adopted or foster child. Coca-Cola’s paid leave policy will take … Continue reading

Free Range Parents Cleared of Neglect Charge

It can be extremely frustrating to have someone criticize your choice of parenting style. Imagine how scary it would be to have the police tell you that your parenting style is considered to be a form of neglect. This situation happened to parents in Maryland – who have since been cleared of child neglect charges. It all started with a trip to the local park in December of 2014. Parents Alexander and Danielle Meitiv allowed their son and daughter to go to the park, and walk home, by themselves. Their son, Rafi, was 10 years old, and their daughter, Dvora, … Continue reading

Reach Out To Other Single Parents

Recently there was a story in the news about three small children being abandoned in a vacant shed where other homeless people were living. The children were all under three years old. This got me thinking about the really dark side of single parenting. For most of us single parenting is a challenge but it is not impossible. We have the support of friends and family, our ex’s are involved with our children and we are able to financially keep our heads above water, at least most of the time.. This is not the case for all single mothers. Some … Continue reading

Diary of a Work At Home Mom Part 14

There are times when it seems as though I get absolutely nothing accomplished. I am sure that I am not the first home-based professional parent to feel this way, nor will I be the last. At times like this I wonder, am I really that bad at managing time that I am not getting anything done or am I getting things done but not things that are readily quantifiable or things that society assigns a high level of importance to. Fortunately, I believe that the latter is the case because I do not sit on my bottom all day eating … Continue reading

Seventy-One Foster Children… and Counting!

Thomas Rose and his wife, Ann Rose, have been foster parents to a total of seventy-one foster children over the years. They are hoping to welcome another foster child into their family very soon. Many of their former foster children remain in contact with them. This must mean that this non-traditional family is doing really well. Over the years, the definition of “family” has changed quite a bit. It has grown from the connection between people who are blood relatives to the relationship between parents and their non-biological children. This can make things a bit challenging for a genealogist, who … Continue reading

Foster Parents Part 2

Take a moment to think about this, how many times has your child had to work on a project for school where they were to bring pictures of them when they were younger? Now imagine you had none to give your child how would your child feel? Most good foster parents create a book that the child can take with them to wherever their next home may be. This book is called a life book and it basically shows their life since they were in foster care. Most children in the system have no pictures from before they were put … Continue reading

Home Study Interview part 2

One last note about talking to your extended family about you adopting is if you have decided to adopt children of a different ethnicity or has physical disabilities. Adopting a child from a different race was always an option for us, we just were always open to that. Even in 2002 when our adoption journey began we never would have thought of ethnicity or race would be an issue. Unfortunately, even in today’s world racism is very prevalent. We were not really concerned about our families accepting a child of a different race but, it needs to be discussed. After … Continue reading

12 Year Old With Autism Revising Einstein’s Theory

Jake Barnett is twelve years old, and has an IQ of 170. He also has aspergers syndrome. His interest in astronomy and advanced mathematics eventually lead him to question the calculations of Einstein’s theory of relativity. This, from a child who psychologists thought would always remain detached from the world around him. Asperger’s syndrome is a form of autism. It’s been described as high functioning autism. Symptoms tend to include an intensely focused interest in one particular subject to the point where the person knows everything about it. Other symptoms involve delayed motor skills, a lack of eye contact, and … Continue reading

Money Traps for Parents

When we started preparing for our first foster placement, we were overwhelmed by the magnificence of everything baby. We did a lot of research and didn’t want to spend a fortune. I take that back; we did want to spend a fortune, but we couldn’t. It is hard to not try to keep with the Joneses in the baby arena. I won a Bugaboo Bee stroller and looked up the cost and it was over $500. I hadn’t considered a pricier stroller prior to winning one and now I want more. I know that the Graco stroller I used for … Continue reading

Celebrating 3, Part 2

Last year Jessie turned two. Turning two was a big deal in our house. Five days after Jessie turned two we adopted her. Her first foster parents came to her first birthday party, but were unable to come to her second. We didn’t invite them to her third. Because of the adoption, both sets of grandparents were there to celebrate turning two with Jessie. This year the grandparents broke their visits up so each could spend time with Miss Jess. My parents arrived four days apart; Dad wanted to give Mom more time alone with us. They were here on … Continue reading