Where to Find a Support Group in New Jersey

Everyone could use a little extra help sometimes. Parents of kids who have special needs can benefit from attending a support group. Finding help can be difficult. Here is a list of support groups that are located in New Jersey. Wayne Special Parents Association is located in Wayne, New Jersey. It is for parents of children who have special educational needs. Their website has information about upcoming events. Mom2Mom has a list of when, and where, support groups will take place. Most are in Newark, New Jersey. Their website says “You’re caring for your special needs child…Who is caring for … Continue reading

Support Hotline for Parents of Children With Special Needs

All parents, no matter what their circumstances, can benefit from some support. Parents of children who have special needs also require support. In San Jose, California, a support hotline is being set up for parents who cannot leave home to attend a support group. In March of 2012, tragedy struck in Sunnydale, California. A mother named Elizabeth Hodgins killed her 22 year old son, George, and then killed herself. George had autism, and Elizabeth was his primary caretaker. Her husband, Lester, arrived home from work one day to find the bodies of his wife and son. He didn’t know what, … Continue reading

The Trend Toward Co-Blogging and Blog Contributors

I first began blogging about two years ago. Up until that point I had not even read a blog. I began blogging to house my writing and share my thoughts. I never intended for blogging to become an important part of my life. I’m a wife with four kids and a business. That last thing I needed was another thing on my plate. However, soon blogging became a passion of mine. In my time on the blogosphere I noticed an interesting trend. Solo bloggers are starting to become group bloggers. The trend is not lost on me. I contribute to … Continue reading

Finding a Farmer Near You

Here, our spring has been persistently wet and cold. However, I have hope. I know that one day soon this weather will turn a corner, and when it does the crops will begin to come in. Yum to fresh garlic scapes and the tender leafy greens that thrive in our wet weather. And double yum to the delicious berries that will follow them in the summer time, berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Other crops will make their way down from a nearby warm area. Crops like peaches, plums, and even cherries will be here in abundance. How do I … Continue reading

The Benefits of Online Support Groups

Parents of children with special needs can use all the support we can get, but it is often hard to find. I know for us it was nearly impossible since people with cystic fibrosis are discouraged from spending time together, therefore it is difficult for CFers and parents of CFers to meet and talk. We found a great deal of support on the internet and have benefited from it almost daily. In person support groups have their advantages. They are personal and up close allowing you to really get to know people. However, getting to know people over the internet … Continue reading

Finding Support During Pregnancy

Pregnancy has the potential to be a very emotional and stressful time. There are so many things to learn, to prepare, to accomplish and to arrange. You must deal with your changing body, your changing wardrobe, your changing job situation and your changing family. Your stomach is growing, your appetite is growing, your wash load is growing and your wallet is shrinking. There has never been a more important time to surround yourself with positive support. Where I found support when I was pregnant: My mom(s): My mom and my mother-in-law were both so supportive during my pregnancy. They took … Continue reading

Finding Some Support

The other day I received a call from a friend. We had worked on a project together towards the end of 2009 and were finally able to see the fruits of our labor. That day, in his mailbox, he received the in-print version of an article we had worked together on long ago. We had thought that the work we would put into the project would be minimal. As with most things it was much more time consuming than we originally thought it would be. None of that took away from the joy of finally having a finished product. In … Continue reading

Play Group Mama Drama

As a new mom, you may be looking forward to joining an organized group of other moms. After all, who else will listen to you discuss the consistency of your baby’s poop or be willing to give you support when you are having problems with breast feeding. But new mom beware. Play groups and mom groups can come with a lot of mama drama, from back biting to cliques. When you join a group, be clear to yourself why you are there. Is it to provide some socialization for your child? Is it to get out of the house? Is … Continue reading

Myths About Child Support

If you are a single parent with custody of your child, you should be collecting child support. However, that isn’t always the case. Did you know that according to the National Coalition for Child Support, there is $89 Billion in past-due child support currently uncollected in the United States. That doesn’t even include the parents who haven’t even sought child support yet. With so many people collecting child support out there, it seems that several myths have cropped up and here they are: Myth: Child Support goes to the child or children. Fact: Child support is exactly that – support. … Continue reading

Finding Time For Yourself

Sometimes as a single parent it is difficult to find or make time for yourself. There isn’t anybody else to sit with the kids during homework time, or tuck them in bed at night. Single parents often feel as if they never get any time at all. It is important to rectify that as soon as possible, to prevent resentment from building. How do single parents find time for themselves? Early Riser/Night Owl Many single parents choose to wake an hour earlier than their children, or stay up a little later after their children have gone to sleep. This doesn’t … Continue reading