Name Changes for Wives Across the World Continued

I began writing an article about the different uses of name changes in marriages throughout the world. I will continue the list of countries in this article. I hope that you are finding them as interesting as I am! India The child is given the father’s surname and then changes to her husband’s surname when married. In some of south India, the women usually take the man’s first name instead of his last name. The woman’s first name is then usually given as her maiden name. Japan The married couple must by law pick one surname. The woman may use … Continue reading

Name Changes for Wives Across the World

In the past couple of articles, I have addressed newly wedded wives and name changes. I never knew so many options existed. In my research I found a very interesting piece of information about name changes across the world. I just had to share with you! America (English speaking countries) It is tradition in English speaking countries for the woman to take on the man’s name. There are several variations of how the woman does this. She may use her maiden name as a middle name or use her last name along with his and a hyphen. As a child, … Continue reading

Changing Your Name- The Process

Changing your name after marriage can be a time consuming process if you have a lot of cards or legal documents. However, it can also be just as simple of a process. You should not feel guilty if you decide to change your name. You should also not make your children feel like they should keep their maiden name. With the proper paperwork, most states allow you to easily change your name even if you have not gotten married. In most situations, changing your name requires a legal document such as a certified copy of your marriage license or divorce … Continue reading

Options for Changing Your Name

Since birth (and before birth for many of us) our name identifies us. In some cases, our name is our history and our heritage. Many parents put a lot of consideration into the name of their child. Therefore a woman changing her name after marriage can be major decision. Many women choose to keep their maiden name for professional reasons and only use their married name for social reasons. Famous singers, movie stars, lawyers, and doctors may choose to keep the name under which they began their career. They fear that they may not be known under a different name. … Continue reading

Respecting Your Child’s Privacy

Last week I was at a meeting of a group of parents who’ve adopted from Korea. The discussion turned to privacy issues. Many adoptive parents are so excited about our children. We love to share their stories. We are eager to correct stereotypes about adoption. (When you’ve seen babies three to a cradle in a baby home, you feel like buttonholing people on the street and asking them if they’ve ever thought of adopting!) People ask us about adoption. We are eager to give them information, to reassure them, but also to be honest so that an adopting couple will … Continue reading

Protecting Your Child’s Identity

I was surprised to learn that not everyone who adopts from the state is notified about ways to protect their child’s identity. If your child is at any risk of harm by either birth parent at all, you might think about these steps. Consider changing your child’s name if it is in their best interest. I know there are potentially negative consequences in doing so, but please weigh the risk. Though last names are typically changed at adoption, you may want to at least think about changing the middle if you plan to leave the first name. Upon the finalization … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: November 24 – November 30

Wow how time has flown! This school year is almost half over! It seems just like yesterday that my students were coming into the school for the first time. The Thanksgiving holidays are over and now schools are preparing for Christmas. Some of my article this week address how children celebrate Christmas at school. Check below for other topics. Saturday, November 24 Characteristics of Auditory Learners Some children learn best by listening to others. This article describes how an auditory learner learns best. Sunday, November 25 Santa Shop at School In this article I discuss the Santa Shop that my … Continue reading

Naming, Claiming, and Letting Go

Naming our children is a very personal decision for all of us. My own parents preferred to think of new names, rather than naming their children after family. However, my husband and I gave our first child (our birth son) one name related to my family heritage and another after a recently deceased relative of my husband’s. We planned a girl’s name at that time also—a first name I had always thought was beautiful, and a middle name which was Charles’ mother’s, grandmother’s and sister’s middle name. When we adopted, many of the Asian language names sounded strange to our … Continue reading