Biblical Encouragement for Those in Waiting

The holiday times were by far the most difficult for me to bear while waiting for our boys. I know there are others that can relate to the longing feeling around this time as well. To be honest, I’m not sure how I would have sustained sanity without my faith in Christ and His ability during the dark period in my life of waiting to be a mother. Perhaps the most inspirational book of the Bible for me during this time was the Book of Psalms. David committed sins beyond what most of us have, was loved by God and … Continue reading

Our Adoption Story – The Wait Gets Long

Laney’s agency originally told us that she would be home by Christmas 2006. Now it was Spring 2007 and still no Laney – and no real news either. Then we received the news that our agency had decided to pull out immediately and stop working on adoptions. Naturally, everyone panicked and for several days we thought Laney was not coming home. When I got the email from our agency I turned to my husband and said “That’s it. We just lost Laney.” My husband, being much more practical and balanced than I am, encouraged me not to give up hope … Continue reading

Faith is…

What does faith mean to you? I’ve defined faith as being able to put my trust in God believing He knows better than me. The Bible defines faith for us: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) By faith we know there is wind, not because we see the wind, but we see, feel or hear the effects from it. I believe it’s the same with God; we don’t see Him in a physical sense, but we do see His creation and the impact of His goodness. “For since the … Continue reading