Adoptions: Non-Refundable?

I’ve always loved children. I’ve been babysitting my whole life, went to school to become an elementary grade school teacher, and taught preschool for two years after graduating. Since becoming a mother, I look at children in a totally different light. Before, kids were just kids. I liked them, and most of them were fun. However, some were cute, some weren’t as cute; some were brats, some were angels. Now, when I see a child, I think to myself, “Someone carried that child in her belly for 9 months. Someone gave birth to that baby. Someone probably loves that child … Continue reading

Book Review : For the Love of a Child: The Journey of Adoption

This book is called For the Love of a Child: The Journey of Adoption (not to be confused with another book called For Love of a Child: Stories of Adoption). This book is published by Deseret Press especially for Latter-Day Saints, but it is very useful for all expectant parents considering placing a child for adoption and their families, as well as informative for relatives, school personnel, counselors and church leaders. The book is unique in its exploration of the spiritual journey many people go through in dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, infertility, and/or adoption. The first part of the … Continue reading

Avoiding an Adoption Nightmare

My last blog talked about the nightmare scenario of the Baby Jessica case in the early 1990s in which courts ruled that a 2 ½ year old child would leave the parents who had raised her for 2 ½ years and go to her biological father. This case had many unusual aspects, but the media did not always make clear that the adoption was never completed—the birth father asked for custody as soon as the mother told him about the child, when the baby was under a month old. Steps to take to avoid an adoption nightmare include: • Choose … Continue reading

Telling an Ex You are Pregnant

Sharing the news of an unplanned pregnancy is never easy. It becomes even more complicated when the father of the baby is your ex partner. The more time that has passed since the split, the more difficult it becomes to break the news. If your ex is in a new relationship or the split was not at all amicable, you may feel even more unsure about telling him. You may even be contemplating not telling him at all. This would most likely be a mistake. As the father of the baby, he has the right to know. Your baby has … Continue reading

Should I Place My Child for Adoption?

The choice to place your baby for adoption is a difficult one. Adoption is permanent and the adoptive parents will raise your child and have all legal authority for his or her welfare. If you are thinking about placing your baby for adoption you need to consider these questions as you make your decision: Have I considered all the possibilities? Are the reasons you are considering adoption for your baby because of temporary problems? Money, housing, or not having a job at this time? Have you called Social Services to see what they can do? Have you asked friends and … Continue reading

Are You Pregnant and Considering Adoption?

Are you pregnant and not sure you want to keep your baby? Pregnancy causes many changes physically and emotionally, an unplanned pregnancy can be confusing for a woman. Talking with someone who can to help you decide if adoption is the choice that is right for you might help. You may want to talk to your doctor, counselor, minister and family before you make a decision. There are also places where you can receive professional counseling free or very low cost. Crisis pregnancy center. This is a place where they talk only to pregnant women and often only about the … Continue reading

Adoption Words

Many adoptive families receive wonderful training before they get too far along in the process of adopting a baby or child. Part of this training often includes discussion of positive adoption language. In the past, certain phrases and choices of words were considered normal. Today we have learned that some of the old language was hurtful to one or more members of the adoption triad. The Adoption Triad is one of the more recent terms developed to point out that with any adoption there are three different groups of people who will forever be connected by adoption. The adopted person, … Continue reading

Our Sibling Adoption Experience with The State of Oregon.

I am often asked how long our adoption process with the State of Oregon took from start to finish. The questions of how long it takes to adopt from the state can be difficult to answer, because every state handles their system differently and every family and child is unique. We started investigating adoption during 2001 by looking at all of our options. We briefly considered domestic infant adoption but decided, given our ages and the fact that I had biological children, we might have to wait a long time before a pregnant woman might consider our family for the … Continue reading

Who Did Oprah Reunite With?

It was all revealed today, on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Over the years, there have been many episodes of the show that focused on reuniting someone with long, lost, family. Sometimes, the reunion would be between a celebrity and one of their relatives. Today, however, Oprah herself was the one who was reuniting with a long, lost, family member. Oprah kept the identity of the person whom she would reunite with on her show today a secret, until the show aired. She wanted to be the one to reveal this information to the world, instead of having the news leaked … Continue reading

Big Sib & Baby

It’s hardly surprising that age gaps can dictate how your older child will get along with your baby. If you have a new baby an older sibling or siblings in the house, you know that having a baby with older children is a challenge in its own right. Yes, you may have mastered many of the demands and rigors related to having a baby. One Year Age Difference A year is a tough age difference because as a parent you’ve barely recovered from having one baby when you are pregnant with the next. On the other hand, your older child … Continue reading